
Fishers, Indiana

Delivery Method:



Art and nature center


6,000 SF

Construction Cost:



One 10 Studio


May 2016
  • Conner Prairie Treetop Outpost
  • Conner Prairie Treetop Outpost
  • Conner Prairie Treetop Outpost
  • Conner Prairie Treetop Outpost

The Treetop Outpost at Conner Prairie is a unique place nestled in the woods where visitors of all ages get to engage with natural materials, experience archaeology, create nature-based artwork, explore music with instruments, and more.

Nature surrounds this 6,000-square-foot treehouse. A 30-foot suspension bridge and a connecting nature walk lead visitors to the four-story structure which offers multiple views out to the tree canopies, fields, and down the steep hill to the White River. Its highest outlook is 40’ off the forest floor.

Project highlights

  • 30-foot suspension bridge
  • 40’ off the forest floor